Monday, January 5, 2009

Menu Monday 1/5

Can you believe that not only is it a new week but a new year! December was a huge blur. I feel like I need time off from my time off : ) I know I can't be the only one who feels this way.

So here's the first step back to normalcy, my weekly menu.

Breakfast (in no particular order this week)--oatmeal, blueberry muffins, french toast, LaMuffin's, cereal, OYO (Own Your Own),

Lunch (again no particular order this week)--mac and cheese, L.O. (leftovers), Pasta, PB&J, BLTs, cheese with fruit

Monday--Tacos (Yes, I know I usually have Taco Tuesday but this week we are having Manic Monday and having tacos today), rice and veggies

Tuesday--Beef Stew (if you must know, I switched this morning the tacos and beef stew. I forgot to take out the beef stew meat).

Wednesday--Chicken Soup

Thursday--First day back to high school co-op. Chorico and Chips (fries). Chorico is a Portuguese sausage. I buy the turkey kind instead of pork.

Friday--Chicken Parmesan with Spaghetti, salad or green beans

Saturday--Pizza night. I still haven't gotten around to making a homemade pizza from scratch. The closest we came was when Chris picked up a pre-made crust.

Sunday--Roast (a piece of chicken for me), potatoes, carrots, onions all thrown into my crockpot before church.

Head on over to I'm an Organizing Junkie for more Monday Menu Plans.


Anonymous said...

Taco Tuesday.....great idea! I'm going to have to steal that daughter loves tacos!! And since she's a picky eater, perhaps taco Tuesday every week is a thought. Your menu looks yummy!

Katy said...

Hi! I found a great pizza crust that we make every Friday night. It's at

It's a little bland, but we add so many toppings, I prefer it that way.

I love love love how you described your children. I have 5 kids, as well. I got 2 bonus daughters when God led me to my sweet husband. We are now a happy, blended homechooling family.

I am trying to get back on track with my blog. Thanks for the great menu ideas!