Saturday, November 3, 2007

Nor' Easter

Well hear in the Northeastern part of the United States we are having a good old-fashion Nor'Easter. The wind has been whipping around. It was strong enough to knock down our basketball hoop. Tomorrow we are going to have fun cleaning up the yard.

I don't normally mind a rainy day once in while, however today was a different story. If it wasn't for the fact that I was afraid the kids would blow away if I sent them outside---I WOULD HAVE!!! They had lots of energy and it showed! I had a great day planned too but after the behavior I got today, I had to cancel. They just didn't want to get their Saturday chores done. And the deal was once they got it done we would have Camp Rainy Day. The kids LOVE this day (and so do I). What it is: Well Camp Rainy Day was the brain child of my mother. When I use to work my mother would watch the kids. Well one day I came home to a tent set up in my living room. My mother had done fun activites with them all day---like setting up sleeping bags and taking their nap in the tent, watching moves, popcorn, play-doh (I am sure you get the is a FUN DAY!!!) So that started it. So once in awhile, when the weather is just awful outside we take the day off and do this. Yes, this does include some school days too. You know what---I am sure that the kids aren't going to remember every math lesson I teach them, but I KNOW that this makes memories. Math can wait until tomorrow, but memories...if you don't take the time to make them you won't have any to look back on.

Until we meet again,

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