Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday

I love finding recipes on the web....either through other's blogs or At first it was getting very messy trying to keep track of them. That was, until I came up with this idea

I have all the recipes I have collected over the last year are in a binder. The binder is separated into categories: Breads and doughs, Appetizers, Main dishes, Sides, Salads and Desserts.

To protect my recipes while I cook, I put each in a page protector. Then I can just wipe it off when I am done cooking (I will admit, I am a very messy cook).

This has made life much easier for our family, especially since my husband does a good amount of the cooking also. This works for us!!!!

Head on over to We Are THAT Family for more Works for Me Wednesday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A recipe binder is a great idea.