Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday 13---Things I LOVE About This Time of Year

Over at Happy to be @ Home, they do a series call Thursday Thirteen. You pick a top and list 13 things on it.

This week I am doing my on the Thirteen Things I love about this time of year. It is--by far---my favorite time of the's why:

I love:

1. The sound of a baseball cracking off a bat.
2. The soft breeze that comes through the windows I can now open all day.
3. Average temperature----low 70's.....PERFECT! Warm enough to wear short or capris but cool enough that I am not overheating.
4. Taking walks with my Honey.
5. All the beautiful colors I see around me....the purple flowers, the white trees, hanging plants, blue skies, green grass....I just love it all!!
6. The kids being able to play outside (with minimal boots, gloves or hats to find).
7. Cookouts!!
8. Watermelon, corn-on-the-cob, potato salad....these are a few of my favorite things : )
9. Family trips to the zoo.
10. Sunshine!!!!
11. Seeing my girls in their spring dresses.
12. Waking up to the sound of the birds singing outside.
13. And last.....NO MORE SNOW!!!!


Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Amen to no more snow! LOL!

I love the in between times of year not too cold and not too hot. :D

Goat Gal said...

# 8 and #13 are both things I love too!

Cheryl Pitt said...

#6 all the way! No shoes or socks. Flip flops if you've gotta cover your feet :)

Spin Mama said...

Yes, what a happy post! #2 and #5, hallelujah! Well, all of them, really.