By Sunday morning it was low...again. We were suppose to go to the anniversary party for my uncle and aunt. We ended up staying home. Chris had gotten a ride into work so I could have the van. When I saw the tire going flat again it didn't sit right with me to fill it up again, put 5 kids in a car and drive 30 minutes on the highway in the rain to go to a party for people that I haven't seen in a decade. Part of me was disappointed but I had to put it into perspective. My phone hasn't been ringing off the hook--in fact, I don't talk or see the family unless it is a wedding or funeral. Go or don't is all the same to them. HOWEVER, I get into the car with the tire the way it is, something happens to my mother or one of the kids---it would bring devastation to my family---and when I say my family I mean my household, my sister and my parents. Our lives would be changed FOREVER. The family at the anniversary party...uh, they wouldn't know the difference...all their lives would go on just the same. Okay, I know that sounds kind of cruel of me...but it is the truth. In all honesty, the main reason I wanted to go was to be nosy and kind of proud (WOW!! THAT IS HARD TO ADMIT). I was always the one in the shadow, got married young and no one gave much thought to. This was my chance to go and 1--see all the family gossip first hand and 2--show everyone "hey, look at me. I got my life together. Married for 16 years, 5 pretty good kids--that I homeschool and a RN degree." You know what...doesn't God have a way of fixing our wagon when we need it. My intentions were not God Honoring. I just have 2 things to say about that---Thank God for the cross. I can see my sin, ask for forgiveness and know that it was wiped clean. Secondly, I am thankful that God chose to only use a flat tire to humble me. I am thankful He didn't use something more painful to get my attention.
My sister did come pick up my mother at my house to bring her. I decided to use the rainy afternoon to get some cleaning done that---well lets just say it was overdue. I can't believe I did this but I took before and after pictures. How crazy of me to want to show the world my disaster! Here goes:
First up...what is suppose to be Emily's pack and play/changing table. Don't ask me how it became such a mess. Usually we put stuff in there to keep AWAY from Emily (isn't that a little backwards).
This is the spare room off the dinning room (you see the changing table in the corner). This room has been pretty much a mess since I got home from the convention. NOT to this extent though. I had started separating things into a few piles when I took the picture. BTW..ALL that soda you see isn't for us. My niece's graduating party is this month and I am in charge of beverages.
Here was a biggy. Cleaning out the kitchen (food) cabinets. I had taken things out of this cabinet and THEN thought to take a picture. Believe me...this cabinet WAS much worse.
Are you ready for this....drum roll please......
I am not sure what the night is going to bring either. While I was out Emily started getting fussy for Chris and cried when put to bed. This is VERY unusual for her. Sure enough, when I got home I took her temp. Axillary it was 100.6 so if I took it rectal it would be about 2 degrees higher. I gave her some Tylenol and we did some cuddles. After about 45 minutes or so she went to bed without any problems. I will be up during the night checking on her to make sure her temp doesn't rise. With us not knowing if she has a seizure disorder it puts me a little more on edge when she gets a fever. I never know if this could set one off.
One last thing, CJ got his braces FINALLY off Wednesday. I wanted to post a picture last week for Wordless Wednesday but he asked me not to. He wanted me to wait until after co-op last week so we could see if anyone noticed. I will be posting a picture of him with them off this week on Wednesday.
GREAT JOB! The cabinets bring tears to my eyes! :)
What a good post Judy! I too thank the Lord for His wonderous work on the cross more and more all the time. He is so good to show me my true state as I so often tend to think more highly of myself than I ought to think.
Great job on your cleaning! I loved the pics...they are so great as you really get to see so much accomplishment! They were very inspiring too and I'm sitting here typing to you while eyeing my kitchen cabinets :)
I've been praying for you all month and though the new little guy has kept my hands occupied and I haven't been able to write you much, I've enjoyed reading your updates here!
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