Friday, July 17, 2009

Big Weekend

I have been busy the last week and this weekend will be just as busy---if not busier.
I have been going through closets and clearing things out. It has been a great motivation having the Itch to Pitch over at The Happy Housewife. I didn't get to post all that I did on Monday. Hopeful this Monday I will.

Baseball is winding down for 2---Zachary and Alex (thank goodness). Their last games are on Monday and Tuesday. CJ will be going through mid-August. In fact, this weekend he has an All-Star tournament. He has made All-Star's every year since he was 5 except for the year they didn't have a team his age playing. Tonight we will going as a family to watch him.

Sunday I am throwing a baby shower for my niece Laura who is due 3 weeks before me. I am looking forward to it. I have a few people making some food along with me. This is a HUGE help. I don't think I could do it without them. I run out of steam pretty fast these days (30 weeks tomorrow!). I am pacing myself and have been spreading things out over this week. We have 32 adults guests, 6 children plus the happy couple. That is 40 people!! Isn't' that FABULOUS!!! I hope she sees this as the blessing it is.

Well must go....Emily is doing great with potty training and needs me.


Sonshine said...

Sounds like you are staying busy! :) We are staying busy here too! :) We are still needing to work at my parents' house however, this week we are not going during the week so I feel like I have some sanity!

Thanks for stopping for your is baking soda. :) And yes I got a chuckle out of your question. :) I fixed it on the recipe post too.

Have a great week!

Unknown said...

You are a busy lady!